Fools Gold Standard

The gold standard
Harder to reach than
Silver things
They shine
In the sunlight
But are they really made of precious
Does it matter?
If it still shines
Does the content
If it feels real
Is it not the same
as if it was real?
The greatest deception
Is when you deceive yourself
Choosing not to see
The shining substance before you
For the solid mercury it is
Reflective and alluring to look at
Poison to the touch
Deadly if it is allowed to seep into the skin
Not all that glitters
Is gold


When I’m looking for inspiration

I think about

My short time on this earth

And the most amazing, diverse and talented people I’ve met

Some aquaintances, some I speak to often, some I speak to rarely, some past co-workers and colleagues, some that have come and gone from my life

But none the less

They’ve made a lasting impression

I will always remember

That introductory moment when

I ask them about their work

Their love for their craft

Palpable and infectious

I love how they love

The filmmakers I’ve met have been the most brisk and invigorating people I’ve ever met
Like the coffee they drink by the gallon to keep them awake, now cold because they were called back to work

The artists free and bubbling with inspiration
Like a refreshing cold glass of sparkling lemonade

The writers warm and refined
Like a glass of red wine being enjoyed in a low-lit basement coffee shop/book store afterhours

I drink in their words and savor their retelling of meaningful experiences

I can’t help but smile

As I drink my now cold coffee over our morning chats

As the bubbles of my sparkling lemonade fizz at our lunch hang out

As I sip my $5 glass of wine at poetry night

Inspired to love what I do

Thank you friends

For sharing what you love

I only hope to pay it forward

by sharing what I love

With you

My friends

New and old

Cheers to that

30/30 Poetry Challenge Poem 29: Sorry

is a soggy, used band aid
That you found at the bottom of a scummy public pool
You offer to me
for use on my open wound.

Keep your “sorry”
I’m better off without it
Your sweet nothing has grown bitter
Coming from your mouth

I’m no longer accepting “sorry”
As payment for
My pain
Sorry is a rusted penny
The taste 
Fills my mouth as I bite my tongue

Keep your spare change
It’s useless
To me
I need to see change
To determine you’re worth
My time and energy

30/30 Poetry Challenge Poem 28: Soul of My Feet

When I was younger
I hated wearing shoes
Little bare feet
Ready to run 
Miles and miles
Across the sun baked ground
Through all terrain
I was a wanderer
Propelled by a need to explore
To learn
I’ve fallen a few times
Gotten lost occasionally
Stepped on a poke-y thing or two
But the souls 
That guide my steps
Always protect my feet 
And make sure I never stray too far
From my intended destination
I’m older now
And I still wander from time to time
But now I’m better at protecting the soles of my feet
So that I can continue to tread 
Protection is especially important when venturing into the unknown

30/30 Poetry Challenge Poem 24: Mirror

It’s not my fault or my problem
That when you look at me you see
An opportunity to boast your acceptance of diversity,
A product of unfortunate circumstances that needs your help, but doesn’t know it yet,
The ghost of a nation’s historically violent past,
Or a personification of your own guilt.
I’m not your mirror.
When I look at me
I see a smart, educated woman
With the strength to withstand most anything and a kind heart.

To the Snake and the Pit (Short Story)

Lies seem to roll off of your forked tongue
With an ease that would make a snake blush
Your words
Injected into the bloodstreams of many unfortunate prey
who were naive enough to believe your sugar-coated cyanide
Fed to them
In small doses
From a plastic spoon painted to look silver
Until one day they fall ill
And refuse your “medicine”
Waking from their trance
Long enough to seek a way out of your bottomless snake pit
Before their soul is harvested
For your consumption
and rigamortis sets in
Becoming a fixture in your pit of lost dreams.
But escape comes with a price
You request a soul for a soul
If you can’t have theirs, then they must find another
They must lure a shiny new soul into your claws
So that your grip on their livelihood can be released
A retched chore
Every victim abhors to do
but they know they must save what’s left of themselves
They’re still alive
And they have hope of a future beyond you
So the naive become wise to your antics 
And find you a new naive soul to replace them
And the vicious cycle continues
A whole promising soul goes into the pit
And the pit spits out bruised soul after bruised soul
But last I heard
The walls of your pit have grown thin over the years
It seems your victims clawing their way out
Has put the integrity of your “expertise” at risk.
I hope you’re deep in your pit when the walls collapse
And you’re crushed by the weight of the many fixtures heavy with the souls of victims past
Maybe then you’ll feel what it’s like to have your soul painfully ripped from you without your consent
And finally, you, snake can die
In the deep dank dark pit of hopelessness
Of your own making